Master i Shkencave në Drejtësi/Profili e Drejtë Ndërkombëtare

Semestri 1 Kodi Emri Grupi Kredite ECTS
1 LAW 401 Metoda Kërkimore A 4.00 6.00
2 LAW 403 History and Theory of International Law A 3.50 6.00
3 LAW 413 European Union Law B 3.50 6.00
4 LAW 415 Organizatat dhe institucionet ndërkombëtare B 3.50 6.00
Semestri 2 Kodi Emri Grupi Kredite ECTS
1 LAW 412 International Human Rights Law B 3.50 6.00
2 LAW 414 Public International Law B 3.50 6.00
3 LAW 422 Private International Law B 3.50 6.00
4 LAW 436 E Drejta Penale Ndërkombëtare B 4.00 6.00
Semestri 3 Kodi Emri Grupi Kredite ECTS
1 LAW 511 International Relations and Legal Settlements of Disputes B 3.50 6.00
2 LAW 521 International Investment Law B 3.50 6.00
3 LAW 523 International Litigation and Arbitration B 3.50 6.00
4 LAW 525 International Intellectual Property Law and Infringements B 3.50 6.00
Semestri 4 Kodi Emri Grupi Kredite ECTS
1 LAW 540 Praktikë Profesionale D 1.00 12.00
2 LAW 552 Master Thesis E 2.00 18.00
Semestri me zgjedhje Kodi Emri Grupi Kredite ECTS
1 LAW 404 Tema Specifike në Drejtësi C 3.50 6.00
2 LAW 406 Law, Reconciliation and Reconstruction of Post-conflict Society C 3.50 6.00
3 LAW 411 The Law of Treaties C 3.50 6.00
4 LAW 417 The Law of Armed Conflicts C 3.50 6.00
5 LAW 439 Viktimologji C 4.00 6.00
6 LAW 505 Selected Topics in Law and Security C 4.00 6.00
7 LAW 513 The Law of Diplomatic and Consular Relations C 3.50 6.00
8 LAW 515 Legal Regulation of International Security C 3.50 6.00
9 LAW 517 Democratic Values and International Law C 3.50 6.00