Menaxhimi i Marrëdhënieve me Klientin


Altina Banaj, Msc

IMC 222
Menaxhimi i Marrëdhënieve me Klientin

Kjo lëndë ka në fokus teknologjitë & “softwares” që përdoren për menaxhimin e marrëdhënieve me klientët (CRM), qofshin këta klientë real apo potencialë. Në këtë lëndë do të fokusohemi sesi sistemet CRM i vijnë në ndihmë një kompanie për të menaxhuar portofolin e klientëve, shitjet, optimizuar proceset, si edhe për të rritur fitimet. Ndërveprimi me “data science”, si edhe “Inteligjenca Artificiale”, gjithashtu edhe “Marketingu Digital” do të zënë një pjesë të konsiderueshme në këtë lëndë.


Kjo lëndë ka disa objektiva kryesorë për tu arritur në përfundim të semestrit: 1. Objektivi i parë është të njohë studentët me termin e “Menaxhim i Marrdhënieve me Klientët”, si edhe rolin që klientët kanë në ekzistencën dhe vazhdueshmërinë e një kompanie. 2. T’ju prezantojë studentëve disa nga sistemet më efikase të CRM. 3. Si të kemi klientë të “lumtur” përmes përdorimit në mënyrën e duhur të sistemeve CRM. 4. Si sistemet CRM përmirësojnë efikasitetin e një biznesi 5. Të njoh studentët me disa raste studimore e praktike.

Introduction, presentation of the course Familiarity with the basic concepts of Customer Relationship Management, as well as an introduction to the key terms, so that students begin to understand what is Customer Relationship Management (CRM): In this general lecture students will be introduced to the term CRM, what CRM does and includes, as well as the business benefits of CRM systems. There will also be a presentation of the course and syllabus, literature to be used, etc.
Understand Customer Relationship Management Knowledge of different CRM definitions (according to different literatures), as well as information on Customer Relationship Management strategy. In this lecture students will not only get acquainted with today's CRM solutions & different types of CRM, but also with some examples of CRM & Online Communication.
Traditional marketing vs. Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) Basic concepts, similarities and differences between them. Knowledge of traditional marketing & basic principles, marketing of CRM systems, as well as where stands the marketing of CRM systems versus traditional marketing.
Marketing strategy of a company / organization oriented towards customer relations. Knowing what a marketing strategy is and why you should, getting to know the key elements of a marketing strategy. Also CRM marketing strategy approaches and ways to use CRM systems to improve marketing strategy.
Managing CRM marketing campaigns Knowing in detail what a marketing campaign is, how it is built and created, as well as the stages of preparing a marketing campaign.
What should a business consider when choosing a CRM system? The steps when choosing a CRM system, as well as the features that we need to look at in a CRM software. The main focus in this lecture will also be on CRM implementation options, such as what a small business should consider when choosing a CRM system.
533 / 5000 Translation results Customer cycle management. Getting new customers. Students will be introduced in this lecture to the term “customer life cycle” and new customer, strategies that can be used to recruit new customers, how to communicate with potential customers through CRM systems, as well as key indicators of performance for customer acquisition strategies. Special focus in this lecture will have CRM operational applications that support customer acquisition, as well as sectors that use CRM in Albania.
What a CRM system cannot manage. What does a CRM system cover and what does not, focusing on when a CRM system can not give the maximum "contribution", as well as processes that are not supported by a CRM system.
The difference in performance of CRM systems in a small business vs in a large business. Features of CRM systems in a small business versus CRM in a large business, as well as differences & comparisons between them (in technology, revenue, staff training and satisfied customers).
Guests & lab Two people working with the largest CRM systems in Copenhagen, Denmark, will show and talk about the practical side of CRM, and show a real CRM software.
Local market analysis - What is the approach of Albanian companies to CRM? Analysis of our market for the approach to CRM, focusing on which industries in Albania use CRM systems, as well as why CRM has not yet been "embraced" well by the domestic market.
297 / 5000 Translation results Social media in interaction with customer management. A discussion of how social networks influence CRM, how they interact together to optimally manage customer satisfaction, and how social networking data is collected, selected, processed, and analyzed.
The future of CRM systems, and what is expected to happen in the near future. After getting acquainted with all the basic concepts of CRM systems, the main systems, as well as the differences between traditional marketing and that of CRM systems, in this lecture will be discussed about the future of CRM systems. How CRM systems will change, which industries will be affected by these changes, and how this will affect a company's employees as well as customers. Si do të ndryshojnë sisttemet CRM, cilat industri do të impaktohen nga këto ndryshime, si edhe si do të ndikojë kjo tek punonjësit e një kompanie, si edhe tek klientët.
Final project
Provimi final
Në përfundim të kësaj lënde studentët do të jenë në gjendje të njohin konceptet që lidhen me Menaxhimin e Marrdhënieve me Klientët, si eddhe disa prej stistemeve/software CRM.
Studentët do të përvetësojnë njohuri mbi rolin e CRM dhe sesi sistemet CRM përmirësojnë efikasitetin e një biznesi.
Studentët do të përfitojnë njohuri të nevojshme sesi sistemet CRM i vijnë në ndihmë një kompanie për të menaxhuar portofolin e klientëve, shitjet, optimizuar proceset, si edhe për të rritur fitimet.
Studentët do të jenë në gjendje të aplikojnë njohuritë e marra rreth sistemeve CRM, sidomos përmes laboratorëve.
Sasia Përqindja Përqindja totale
Gjysmë finale
1 30% 30%
1 10% 10%
1 10% 10%
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Pjesëmarrja në mësim
1 10% 10%
Përqindja totale e vlerësimit
Përqindja e provimit përfundimtar
Përqindja totale
Sasia Kohëzgjatja (orë) Gjithsej (orë)
Kohëzgjatja e kursit (përfshirë javët e provimit)
16 3 48
Orë studimi jashtë klasës
14 5 70
1 4 4
Gjysmë finale
1 3 3
Provimi përfundimtar
1 3 3
Të tjera
0 0 0
Ngarkesa totale e punës
Ngarkesa totale e punës / 25 (orë)