Gjuhësi e Aplikuar


Arti Omeri, PhD

ELL 202
Applied Linguistics
Lecture hours
Seminar hours
Laborator hours

Kjo lëndë i njeh studentët me nënfushat e Gjuhësisë së Aplikuar nga këndvështrime të ndryshme. Megjithatë, ai përqendrohet kryesisht në sigurimin e një pamje të kuptueshme të veprimtarive praktike të mësuesit dhe studentëve në klasë, si dhe marrjen e informacionit në lidhje me përvetësimin e gjuhës së parë dhe të dytë dhe si konceptohet kjo nga studiues të ndryshëm. Temat kryesore përfshijnë teoritë e mësimit të gjuhës, përvetësimin e gjuhës së parë dhe të dytë, metodat e mëparshme të mësimdhënies së gjuhës, ndryshimet e nxënësve, stilet e të mësuarit dhe strategjitë e të mësuarit, ndërhyrjet në gjuhë, korrigjim gabimesh si dhe dhenien e feedback-ut.


Në fund të kursit, studentët duhet të jenë në gjendje:  Japin një përmbledhje të historisë së Gjuhësisë së Aplikuar  Zhvillojne kuptimin themelor të koncepteve të Gjuhësisë së Aplikuar  Identifikojne dhe përcaktojne Nën-fushat e ndryshme të Gjuhësisë së Aplikuar  Diskutojne disa nga teoritë dhe parimet e mësimdhënies së gjuhës  Diskutojne stile të ndryshme të të mësuarit dhe i lidhin ato me mesimin e Gjuhës së Dytë.  Diskutojne mbi strategjitë e ndryshme të të nxënit dhe i lidhin ato me mesimin e Gjuhës së Dytë. Përshkruajne analizën krahasuese, analizën e gabimeve dhe procedurat e tjera analitike në Gjuhësinë e Aplikuar

An Overview of Applied Linguistics Applied linguistics’ is using what we know about (a) language, (b) how it is learned and (c) how it is used, in order to achieve some purpose or solve some problem in the real world. (pp 1-18)
Grammar A descriptive approach to grammar may seem a simple matter, but in practice it is somewhat more complicated than it may first appear. The outcome will be different depending on which parts of the grammar are included and on what the focus of the description is. (pp 18-34)
Vocabulary One of the most difficult questions to answer in vocabulary studies is ‘What is a word?’ and there are a variety of only partly satisfactory answers depending on the reasons for asking the question. If we want to count how long a book is, or how fast someone can speak or read in words per minute, then we need to count tokens.(pp 34-53)
Discourse Analysis What is Discourse Analysis? Life is a constant flow of discourse – of language functioning in one of the many contexts that together make up a culture. Consider an ordinary day. It will, very likely, start with discourse (for example, greeting members of the household and some item of news from the radio, TV, world wide web or printed newspaper) before individuals rush off to go to work or school.(pp 53-70)
Pragmatics . It explores questions such as the following: • How do people communicate more than what the words or phrases of their utterances might mean by themselves, and how do people make these interpretations? • Why do people choose to say and/or interpret something in one way rather than another? • How do people’s perceptions of contextual factors (for example, who the interlocutors are, what their relationship is, and what circumstances they are communicating in) influence the process of producing and interpreting language?(pp 70-89)
Corpus Linguistics What is Corpus Linguistics? Recently, the area of study known as ‘corpus linguistics’ has enjoyed much greater popularity, both as a means to explore actual patterns of language use and as a tool for developing materials for classroom language instruction. Corpus linguistics uses large collections of both spoken and written natural texts (corpora or corpuses, singular corpus) that are stored on computers (pp 89-108)
Second Language Acquisition What is Second Language Acquisition? Second language acquisition research focuses on the developing knowledge and use of a language by children and adults who already know at least one other language. This field of research has both theoretical and practical importance. (pp 108-1124)
Midterm exam
Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics Psycholinguistics is the study of the cognitive processes that support the acquisition and use of language. The most obvious definition of ‘sociolinguistics’ is that it is the study of language in society.(pp 124-161)
Focus on the Language Learner Success in learning a foreign or second language (L2) depends on a variety of factors such as the duration and intensity of the language course, the characteristics and abilities of the teacher, the appropriateness of the teaching methodology, the quality of the textbook, the size and composition of the learner group, the amount of natural L2 practice opportunities, and last but not least, the characteristics of the language learner. This chapter will focus on the last factor, that is, on the impact of the most important learner features on language learning achievement.(pp 161-180)
Listening What Is Listening? Listening involves making sense of spoken language, normally accompanied by other sounds and visual input, with the help of our relevant prior knowledge and the context in which we are listening.(pp 180-197)
Speaking and Pronunciation What are Speaking and Pronunciation? We take as our starting point the notion of spoken language in use, drawing on insights from discourse analysis which make it clear that language is used to negotiate and achieve meaning in social contexts and so cannot be divorced from those contexts (pp 197-215)
Reading Interest in second language reading research and practice has increased dramatically in the past 15 years. Part of this interest is due to the increasing recognition that reading abilities are critical for academic learning, and that L2 reading represents the primary way that L2 students can learn on their own beyond the classroom. (pp 215-232)
Writing Writing has always been part of applied linguistics. Even before the 1960s, when writing was considered as a mere representation of speech, it provided a way of monitoring students’ language production and of providing linguistic material because the technology for sound recording was not widely available (pp 232-247)
Final Exam
This course will enable students to: Have some knowledge of the sub-disciplines within the field of A L. Gain a clear understanding of first and second language acquisition. Understand how people learn and/acquire a second language. Understand the theoretical foundations of language teaching & learning. Be aware of the different models, theories and research findings in the field of SLA. Be informed of the current work and achievements in the field of AL.
Quantity Percentage Total percent
1 35% 35%
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Term projects
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Class participation
1 15% 15%
Total term evaluation percent
Final exam percent
Total percent
Quantity Duration (hours) Total (hours)
Course duration (including exam weeks)
16 4 64
Off class study hours
14 3 42
0 0 0
1 8 8
Final exam
1 11 11
0 0 0
Total workLoad
Total workload / 25 (hours)