Metodat e Avancuara Kërkimore I


Ilirjana Kaceli, Prof. Asoc. Dr.

COM 401
Advanced Research Methods I
Lecture hours
Seminar hours
Laborator hours

This course intends the application in practice of the knowledge gained in “Advanced Research Methods” during the selection and classification of materials of a study or thesis. Problems faced during the preparation of thesis and the solution ways. It also intends practice of researching techniques and methods


To get knowledge on advanced methods of scientific research  Adopt operational concepts to promote the acquisition of knowledge dealing with design skills as a modern preparation, without which it is difficult to align the students in terms of understanding, interpretation, the independence and the exit from the circle vicious time.  To reach students applying instruments methodological, theoretical reviews allow passing on concrete actions in research, observations and professional jobs compositions, as a step to access the inside of the science.  Master Course lectures enables original action, independent of communication with past values and ideas of drawing useful performance for the holistic development of culture as a precondition of all other developments.

Introduction to scientific research. What is scientific research? Characteristics of scientific research.Quality in research. General presentation of scientific research, its importance as an integral part of the preparation of scientific papers, diploma thesis and data analysis. Examples of high quality research. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 1-15. Christine Daymon and Immy Holloway- Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Routledge, New York, 2010, f.3-18 papers to illustrate with concrete examples the quality in scientific research "
The knowledge, theories, paradigms and perspectives. Scientific research in the social sciences.Definitions, classifications and examples of applications. The nature of the subject of scientific research in the social sciences. Historical description of scientific development and explanation of the basic concepts of the main terms that will be encountered during the development of the subject, the main theories and their evolution over the years. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 1-27
Data characteristics. Data usage as a representation of social reality. Stages of scientific research. Research chain links. Primary and secondary sources. The study problem and its definition. Search engines. Combination of information sources. Archives and technical-scientific processing of documents. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 10-17
Research questions, hypotheses, operational definitions of research. Nature of data. Data characteristics. Using data as a representation of social reality. Explanation of the nature of the data and explanation of the three basic concepts, qualitative, quantitative and mixed data. Concrete examples of their use in specific works. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 27-50
Planning a research project. Definitions, practical aspects. Planning a research project. Ethics in scientific research Students will try to realize the first part of a project proposal based on the explanation of the lectures so far. Evaluate the ethical requirements of research. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 1-50
Literature search and review. Practical aspects of literature review. Critical evaluation of the literature. Literature search. Practical aspects of literature review. Literature review process.The importance of literature review as a basic part of scientific work. Why it is important to review the literature and how it helps the researcher to get better involved in scientific research and to form a basis of his work. Literature review formats. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 53-77. Christine Daymon and Immy Holloway- Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Routledge, New York, 2010, f.39-55
Advanced search templates. Qualitative model and quantitative model. Level and unit of research. Research strategies. The types and models of research will be explained based on concrete works of each type. How should we prepare for each of the research formats and what are the characteristics of each of the models. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, pp. 87-112
Midterm Exam
Data collection. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews. How the data collection process is carried out, how the questions should be formulated and how the preliminary preparation before the interview process is carried out. Transcription and whitening of interviews. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, pp. 251-273
Focus groups. Observation. Secondary data sources. Detailed explanation of secondary sources and their integration together with primary data during the research process. Their role in this process and the justification of their use in describing the methodology. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, pp. 179-191 Christine Daymon and Immy Holloway- Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Routledge, New York, 2010, f241-258
Data analysis. Features of the analysis. Statistical analysis. Types of data analysis and concrete examples realized from various academic works. Explanation of statistical analysis and its importance as part of working and finding results. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, pp. 87-100
Thematic analysis. Work with quality data. Narrative analysis. Lecture analysis. Content analysis.Characteristics of qualitative data and their difference from quantitative indicators. The basic elements that must be taken into account for the realization of this process and the special ones compared to the. quantitative data. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 281-292
Thematic analysis. Work with quality data. Narrative analysis. Lecture analysis. Content analysis.Characteristics of qualitative data and their difference from quantitative indicators. The basic elements that must be taken into account for the realization of this process and the special ones compared to the quantitative data. system. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 301-310
Planning and structure of academic writing. The way of writing Summary of basic concepts in academic writing, topic sentences, supporting sentences and concluding sentences. Overview of the reference system. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, fq 311-317
Drafting the final version of the paper. Reference system. Plagiarism. Theoretical explanation of the completion of the diploma or academic writing and closing of the process at the end. Submission of the project proposal realized according to the phases during the development of the course. How to write references in different positions in the text. Types of references and their placement as part of thebibliography at the end of the paper. Reference models and practice references in Word format. "Introduction to research methods", Bora Pajo, Sage 2017, pp. 311-317
Final Exam
Studentët mësojne të përcaktojnë veprat dhe autorët që i nevojiten për parashtrimin e problemit.
Studenti duhet të jetë i aftë të përshkruajë dhe shpjegojë strukturën, institucionet dhe parimet e funksionimit të tyre
Mësojnë të shkruajnë cilesitë e domosdoshme që duhet të përmbajë një hipotezë.
Të aftësohet studenti në thellimin e njohurive shkencore dhe profesionale, si një lëm i domosdoshëm dhe i patjetërsueStudentët mësojne përkufizimet e termave si “parashtrim, fjalia e parashtrimit të problemit, nënproblem, hipotezë, supozim, kufizime dhe shembull”.shëm, për krijim, pavarësim dhe aftësim në kryerjen e punëve në lëmin e studimit dhe më gjerë.
Quantity Percentage Total percent
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
1 30% 30%
Term projects
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Class participation
1 10% 10%
Total term evaluation percent
Final exam percent
Total percent
Quantity Duration (hours) Total (hours)
Course duration (including exam weeks)
16 3 48
Off class study hours
14 7 98
1 2 2
0 0 0
Final exam
1 2 2
0 0 0
Total workLoad
Total workload / 25 (hours)