Teoritë e Komunikimit


Erlis Çela, PhD

COM 102
Communication Theories
Lecture hours
Seminar hours
Laborator hours

This course offers to the students an extended look at communication theories. The course of communication theories examines the main theoretical perspectives on communication processes. Through an integrated approach of key theories in exploring key traditions of communication theories, students are introduced to objective and interpretive approaches to communication. Through this course, students will be introduced to the seven traditions in the field of communication theories. The course is designed to enable students to classify different theories of communication and to distinguish the common points of these theories.


Talking about theory-What is theory? General definition of theory and why we should study theories. Metaphors to explain theories and the image of theories. Theories like grids, lenses and maps. Two main approaches in the classification of theories. Objective approach and interpretive approach. Classification of communication theories. The difference between behaviorist scientists and rhetoricians. Presentation of the literature and basic resources of the course, introduction of the syllabus and the way of evaluation. p.13-23, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Evaluation of theories. What are the criteria that a good theory must meet. Scientific standards for objective theories and interpretive theories. Mapping the territory. Seven traditions in the field of communication theories. Robert Craig's approach to the seven traditions. Defining boundaries in the field of communication theories. p.37-50, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Interpersonal communication. Game metaphor and interpersonal communication. The bowling model as a way to define messages is the most common point of view about communication. Community: The social effect of others expectations. Symbolic Interaction. Coordinated meaning management. p.51-64, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
The theory of social penetration. What is social penetration and how does the process of social penetration develop. Personality structure according to Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor. Theory of social information processing. Technological changes and the impact on interpersonal relationships. Rapid changes in communication technology have made it difficult for communication researchers to try to understand what impact they have on interpersonal relationships. p.96-107, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Theory of expectations violations. Communication model according to the principle of personal space. The concept of personal space as the invisible and variable volume of space, which surrounds an individual, determining the distance he prefers to have with others. Proxemics and acquaintance with the study of space according to Edward Hall. Introduction to core concepts of theory according to the author Judee Burgoon. The theory of social information processing and the ideas of the author Joseph Walther. The concept of computer-mediated communication. Computer-mediated communication and face-to-face communication. p.177-212, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Public and group communication. Key concepts of theories that study public communication and group communication. An overview of organizational communication. Cultural approach to organizations. Critical theory of communication in organizations. p.242-277, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Rhetoric- Narrative paradigm. Ideas for Plato's ideal discourse and Aristotle's rhetoric. Acquaintance with the differences between dialectics and rhetoric. Rhetorical evidence, logos, ethos and pathos. Rules of Rhetoric: Principles of the Art of Persuasion, set by ancient rhetoricians - creation, structuring, style, interpretation and memory. p.278-308, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andreë; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Midterm Exam
Mass communication. Media Ecology. Familiarity with the ideas of the theorist Marshall McLuhan. The relationship of the media with culture and acquaintance with postmodernist approaches. The basis of McLuhan's theory suggests that the media should be understood ecologically. Analysis of the concept "Medium is the message". The power of a medium to transform us. By constantly using a medium it becomes a kind of extension of itself. Elaboration of the concept of "global village". The role of the media in shaping the global village. p.309-322, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tirana, 2016
Cultivation theory as a gateway to the field of studying the effects of media. Introduction of basic concepts and principles of cultivation theory. Analyzing the attitudes of Geroge Gerbner and Marshall McLuhan on the power and influence of the media. Unlike McLuhan who superimposed the medium with the message, Gerbner believed that the power of TV stems from the symbolic content of real-life drama, displayed hour after hour, day after day. Gerbnet believed that television dominates the environment of symbols, becoming the narrator of most stories. Familiarity with critiques of the theory of cultivation and discussion of the shortcomings of this theory. p.360-370, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tiranë, 2016
Use and gratifications theory. Theory contribution to the study of media effects. Familiarity with the concept of two-stop communication. Analyzing Elhu Katz's contribution to changing perspectives on media effects studies. How did the replacement of the question "What does the media do to people" change the field of media effect studies? with the question "What do people do with the media?". By understanding the needs of media consumers, the reasons why we use media are also clarified. The effects of the media or their absence are also explained. Alan Rubin typology for media use. p.350-359, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tiranë, 2016
Agenda setting theory. What is agenda setting and how does the media influence the public agenda setting? Elaboration of the main agenda-setting hypothesis, according to which the mass media have the ability to transfer interest in issues, from their informative agenda to the public agenda. Familiarity with McCombs and Shaw's ideas on the role of the media agenda-setting function as responsible for the correlation that exists between the media and and the public's priorities. Discussion on the sustainability of theory in terms of a changed media ecosystem. Do the new media have the same power in agenda setting? p.371-385, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tiranë, 2016
Critical Communication Theories and the Frankfurt School. What are the critical theories of communication and how can the key principles be applied in the study of new media? A look at the ideas of Georg Lukács, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, etc. Social media, digital work through the lens of critical theories. Elaboration of the concept of social media and power according to Christian Fuchs. p.389-401, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tiranë, 2016
Common lines in communication theories. Differences and common points of the main schools of communication theories. p.467-482, Griffin, Em; Ledbetter, Andrew; Sparks, Glen: A first look at communication theory, Educational Center shpk, Tiranë, 2016
Project Presentations
Final Exam
Në përfundim të kësaj lënde studentët do të jenë në gjendje të njohin teoritë kryesore të komunikimi
Studentët do të përvetësojnë njohuri mbi evoluimin e teorive të komunikimit në kohë dhe konceptet e reja të komunikimit
Studentët do të përfitojnë njohuri të nevojshme për të klasifikuar, analizuar dhe vlerësuar dobishmërinë e teorive të komunikimit.
Studentët do të jenë në gjendje të aplikojnë njohuritë e marra rreth teorive të komunikimit në projekte dhe studime kërkimore
Quantity Percentage Total percent
1 40% 40%
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Term projects
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Class participation
1 10% 10%
Total term evaluation percent
Final exam percent
Total percent
Quantity Duration (hours) Total (hours)
Course duration (including exam weeks)
16 3 48
Off class study hours
14 5 70
0 0 0
1 0 0
Final exam
1 10 10
0 0 0
Total workLoad
Total workload / 25 (hours)