Hyrje në Sociologji


Genti Kruja, Prof. Asoc. Dr.

SOC 101
Introduction to Sociology
Lecture hours
Seminar hours
Laborator hours

The program of the course "Introduction to Sociology" contains a set of concepts, knowledge and values, logically related to each other to better interpret phenomena, processes and tendencies of society development based on sociological analysis. The student will observe different research methods, which include sociological experiment, surveys, interviews, sociological observation etc. Scientific study should analyze the cultural context, paying particular attention to symbols, norms, the material, sub-culture, counterculture, ethnocentrism, ksenocentrizëm, cultural relativity, socialization etc.


Sociology, problems and perspectives What is Sociology? Some examples - Change in today's world - Sociology and "empirical thinking". Sociological problems - Intentional and unintended consequences of human action - What can sociology tell us about our actions? - Structure and action - Developing a sociological perspective - Is sociology a science? - Objectivity - Practical importance of sociology - Concluding remarks - Summary - Basic concepts - Important terms. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 21.
2.1. Culture and society Contacts between cultures; Early connections with different cultures; The concept of Culture. The concept of culture is one of the most widely used notions in sociology. Culture consists of the values that the members of a group adhere to, the norms that they respect and the material goods that they have. "Culture" as a concept is different from "society", but there are close links between the two notions. Society is the system of reciprocal relationships that connect individuals of the same culture. Human race; Sociobiology; Instinct; Cultural diversity; Cultural identity and ethnocentrism; Cultural Universals; Language; Speaking and writing; Semiotics and material culture; Types of human societies. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 41. 2.2. Socialization and periods of life "Unaccompanied" children; Early child development; Development of social reactions; Theories on child development; Freud and psychoanalysis; Personality development; Mead Theory; Connections between theories; Socialization Factors. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 69.
3.1. Social interaction and daily life Study of daily social life; Verbal and nonverbal communication; Social rules, conversations and speech; Impression management; Organization of impressions; Types of interaction; Audience division; Ethno-methodology; The study of speech; Negotiation analysis; Microsociology; Time and space; Front and back areas; Meetings and personal spaces; Interaction in time and space; Time and clock; Geography of time; Zoning. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 97. 3.2. Conformism and avoidance Norms and sanctions; Laws, Crimes and Punishment; Biological and psychological theories on crime and avoidance; Society and crime: sociological theories; Labeling theory; Theoretical conclusions. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 122.
4.1. Sociology of religion The sociology of religion is the study of the beliefs, practices, and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods of the sociology discipline. What is religion? History of Religions: Abrahamic Beliefs and Monotheism - Judaism, Christianity, Islam; Other beliefs: Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, etc.; Theories of religion; Types of religious organization; Rituals; Gender; Current developments in religion; Contemporary theories of religion; Freedom of religion; Religion in Albania. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 430. 4.2. A sociological look at interfaith dialogue Intercultural and interfaith dialogue today is more than ever a global necessity. The process of interfaith dialogue does not mean at the same time a process of Christianization, Islamization, or alienation, but it is a continuous communication of peoples, cultures and traditions. Examples of tolerance throughout history: The relationship between Islam and Christianity; Theological dialogue; A historical overview of interfaith understanding among Albanians; Examples of interfaith cooperation in Albania. Kruja, Genti, Albanians in the face of the challenges of interfaith understanding, Prizmi, Tirana, 2008:18, 131.
Stratification, Class and Inequality Social stratification is structured inequality between groups. This inequality can be based on economy, gender, race, religion, age, or any other factor. Inequality systems are organized around groups with common characteristics. The social location of a group is important within the life chances of the members. The order of the groups changes very slowly. The topics of this lecture are: Social stratification; Characteristics of stratification systems; Basic Models; Class System; What stratification systems look like today; Marx and the class conflict; Weber: Class and status; Functionalist Approaches; What is social class; Race and wealth; Social inequality; Professional Prestige; social mobility; Poverty; Poverty and Gender; Poverty and social problems. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 211.
Ethnicity and Race Race refers to a system of social categorization and externally imposed stratification. There is no true biological race; rather, human groups must be placed in a continuum. Typically, race refers to a set of physical characteristics, which society calls important. Race is a socially constructed concept. The topics of this lecture are: What are the most prejudiced races and why; Ethnic minorities; Breed and biology; Racism; Concepts related to racism; Antagonism, prejudice and ethnic discrimination; Authoritarian personality; Ethnicity and childhood; Behavior groups towards minorities; Ethnic Options; Sociological concepts; Colonialism and Racism; Models of ethnic coexistence; Migration; Racial and Ethnic Population; Racial and ethnic inequality. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 247.
Education, communication and media Today in industrialized countries, anyone can read and write. Our lives are affected by the information we receive through books, newspapers, magazines, TV, and the Internet. We all go through a formal schooling process. Typing, electronic communication, and schooling are fundamental to our way of life. The topics of this lecture are: Education; Writing development; Types of school systems; Education and inequality; Intelligence; Gender and education system; Education in the world; Communication and media; Mass Communications: Newspapers, Magazines, Television; The impact of TV on behaviors; Violence on TV, The Impact of Violence and the Vulgar Dialogues of TV Movies on Patterns of Violent Behavior in Albanian Families. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 401; Scientific journal "Zani i Naltë", no. 2 (155), 2013: 66.
Midterm Exam
Family, kinship and marriage Family; Family Concepts; Theory and Family; Kinship and Marriage; Clans; Family relationships; Family types; Monogamy and polygamy; Polygyny; Family and marriage in Europe; Family from 1500-1800; Changes in the family; Forms of change in the family; Women and the family today; Divorce, Divorce and its consequences, Divorce in Albania; remarriage; Single-parent families; Factors that endanger divorce; Domestic violence; Alternatives to marriage and family, marriage within a gender; Coexistence; Singleness; Division of family work; Trends in families today; Changes in households around the world; The future of the family. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 371.
Work and Economic Life Work is the fulfillment of tasks, including the expenditure of mental and physical effort, which aim at the production of goods and the performance of services that meet human needs. Production system and work; Division of labor; Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors; Taylorism and Fordism; Postfordism and flexible manufacturing; Industrial Democracy; Corporations; Trade union development; Strikes; Strike statistics; Unemployment and women's work; Characteristics of unemployment; Reasons for rising unemployment; Women and work; Informal economy; Work and Economic Life; Importance of Work; Capitalist economies; Modern Corporations; Global Business; Changes in the economy; The future of work. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 462.
Globalization of social life Main topics: To define globalism; Understand the connection between globalization and modernity and major social changes; Analyze social movements; what they are and why they are global; To discover which social forces led to the rise of globalization; Formation of nations; Reasons for colonization; Poverty; Agribusiness Food production and environmental ecology; Imperialism; World system theory; Multinational corporations; Types of multinational corporations; International economic integration; Non-state bodies; UN; Risks to the world environment; Globalization of the media; Globalization and social change; The connection of globalization with social change; Social movements and social change; Modern technology and social movements; What enables globalization; What enables globalization; Globalization in everyday life; The debate on globalization; How do we feel about globalization; Danger in a global world. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 495.
War and the army Wars in Europe and its colonies; General warfare; First World War; Tank and military reconnaissance in World War I; World War II; War and aggression; Military organization; Characteristics of the modern army; Women and war; Women's anti-war campaigns; Army, politics and society; Army today; Armed Forces in the Third World; Terrorism; Guerrilla movements; Arms trade and competition; Star Wars. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 336.
Urbanization, Population, and Environment How cities are formed and why; Rural, urban and suburban living; Globalization and urbanization; Population growth and its consequences; Globalization, urbanization, growth, and environment; Ancient cities; What is urbanization; Global urbanization; Theories of Urbanism; Rural life; Declining rural population; Peripheral Development; Problems with urban life; Urban renovation; Global cities; Urbanization in the developing world; Urbanization in the developing world; Global population study; Consequences of population change; Environment and society; Environment and society. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 529.
Politics, government and the state Characteristics of states, modern states; political parties and voting in western countries; Party policies: breaking frameworks; in the late twentieth century; Women's participation in politics; Non-institutionalized political activity; Democracy; Democratic elitism and pluralist theories; Who rules; Politics in the international arena, Basic concepts; Important terms; Supplementary literature. Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 298.
Methods and theories in Sociology - Development of sociological thought Social Theory: Social theories try to explain not what happens but why it happens. Research and theory are not and should not be separate industries. First Theorists: Auguste Comte, ilemile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Harriet Martineau, W.E.B. Du Bois. Contemporary Theories: Symbolic Interaction, Functionalism Research Methods: Questions Giddens, Anthony, Sociology, Çabej, Tirana, 2007: 629.
Final Exam
Studenti duhet të këtë kuptuar kompleksitetin e realitetit shoqëror nëpërmjet udhëzimit të literaturës shkencore
Të ketë ezauruar mënyrat operative si dhe metodat emprike te implementitmit ideologjik
Të jetë i aftë së interpretojë tekste të kontekstit sociologjik
Quantity Percentage Total percent
1 30% 30%
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Term projects
1 30% 30%
0 0% 0%
Class participation
0 0% 0%
Total term evaluation percent
Final exam percent
Total percent
Quantity Duration (hours) Total (hours)
Course duration (including exam weeks)
16 3 48
Off class study hours
14 3 42
1 3 3
1 3 3
Final exam
1 3 3
0 0 0
Total workLoad
Total workload / 25 (hours)