Bazat e Marketingut


Norga Sulo, Msc

IMC 121
Introduction to Marketing
Lecture hours
Seminar hours
Laborator hours

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the principles and concepts of marketing and to provide them with an analytical framework on how these concepts can be used by marketing professionals to develop and implement effective strategies in this field. The course is designed to help students to understand the field of marketing from a theoretical and practical perspective as well as to design strategies and marketing plans that ensure a successful entry or stay in a particular market.


Basic marketing concepts. This topic will address the definition and general knowledge on marketing and other basic knowledge included in the marketing concept. The needs, desires, and preferences of the consumer as well as his value and satisfaction when these are met will be addressed. Additionally, it will be discussed about the exchanges and relationships with the customers, marketing objectives, and ways to achieve these objectives by focusing the activity of the company on the customer and meeting his needs. (Pg. 2-37)
Marketing information. This topic will address the various forms in which the organization or business will study the market, the competition, the consumer along with his needs, desires, and preferences by analyzing the extent to which these desires and preferences have been met so far. Furthermore, the forms of providing various information in the market regarding suppliers, marketing intermediaries, competition, public, customers, marketing environment, etc. will be addressed, reflecting consequently in defining or reviewing basic marketing objectives. (Pg. 68-143)
The meaning of the brand and brand positioning. This topic will address the concept of branding as one of the basic elements in marketing and branding and positioning as key strategies to achieve market success. It will be clarified what is the value of brands and what are the forms to build strong brands that compete successfully and resist the test of time. (Pg. 253 -262)
Marketing strategy is driven by the customer. This topic will address segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning as forms followed by organizations and businesses to answer two basic questions: Which clients will we serve? and How do we best serve our defined customers? Aiming thus to create value for the targeted clients and to obtain satisfied and loyal customers. (Pg. 204-237)
Marketing Mix. Products / Services. This topic will clarify marketing strategies as a combination of basic elements that ensure the translation of company efforts into value and benefits for the customer through the marketing mix. It will start with the first element of this strategy, which is the product and/or service that are the company's proposal to meet customer requirements. The stages of product development and planning will be addressed by moving further to product life cycle management which includes the period of preparation for the market and the life of the product in the market. (Pg. 238-252 and 276-308)
Key pricing strategies. This topic will address the constituent pricing elements for the various products and services offered to the consumers as well as specific pricing strategies in line with the consumer expectations as a reflection of the consumer value derived from the product or service, as one of the competitive advantages. to other providers present in the market, as an added value to attract and retain customers and consumers. (Pg. 310-333)
Distribution Strategies. This topic will address the forms, strategies, and decisions needed to select the types, models, and levels of distribution channels in the marketing supply chain to deliver value to the customer in the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantity. proper to achieve the necessary comfort and convenience to the customer aiming to obtain a satisfied and loyal customer. (Pg. 362-395)
Midterm exam
Integrated marketing communications strategy. This topic will address the element of value communication for customers and consumers through the mix of promotion and integrated marketing communications which have arisen as a need to constantly change the marketing communications model as a result of changing the forms in which customers prefer to communicate and be informed about the benefits and values offered to them by different providers. (Pg. 430-458)
Advertising and Public Relations. This topic will address two important elements of the promotion mix that are advertising and public relations, analyzing the objectives and goals for using each of them as forms of integrated marketing communications to convey important interactive messages and information to the client. (Pg. 460-489)
Individual sales and sales promotion. This topic will address two other constituent elements of the promotion mix that are individual sales and sales promotion by analyzing the form and role of each of them in integrated marketing communication with customers and consumers while also emphasizing the advantage of receiving direct feedback. of the customer as an element that helps the immediate response and strengthens direct relationships with customers and consumers. (Pp. 490-522)
Direct and online marketing. This topic will address direct marketing as an integral element of the promotion mix, where the focus will be on digital marketing and online marketing and new forms of direct marketing by analyzing the characteristics that differentiate it from the other forms of integrated marketing communication with clients and customers. (Pg. 524-563)
Creating competitive advantage. This topic will address the forms and strategies of market analysis, identification and study of competition, selection of competitors to attack as well as the definition and implementation of competitive strategies to enter, stay and secure an advantageous position in the market through various differentiations and forms others providing positioning and perception to customers and consumers. (Pg. 564-590)
Marketing plan. This topic will address the content and how to design an effective marketing, communication and promotion plan that will serve to provide direction and focus for the brand, product and company, planning the launch of a new product or building sales for products. existing. This topic treats the marketing plan as a form of documenting how the strategic objectives of the organization will be achieved through specific marketing strategies and tactics with the customer and client as a point of reference. (Pages A1-A10) + supplementary material (example of a marketing plan)
Presentation of the semestral projects and Repetition
Final Exam
Studentët do të kuptojnë dhe përdorin terminologjinë themelore dhe konceptet kryesore të marketingut.
Studentët do të jenë në gjendje të kuptojnë dhe shpjegojnë secilin prej elementëve bazë në fushën e marketingut.
Studentët do të jenë të aftë të njohin bazat e planifikimit të marketingut, duke përfshirë aftësinë për të identifikuar elementët kryesorë të një plani marketingu.
Studentët do të mund të përshkruajnë elementet e marketingut miks, sesi këto elemente janë të integruar në strategjinë e marketingut dhe sesi këto elementë ndikojnë në aftësinë e organizatës për të konkuruar në treg.
Studentët do të jenë në gjendje të hartojnë dhe zbatojnë planet e marketingut, të cilat përfshijnë, vendimet taktike në lidhje me produktin, çmimin, shpërndarjen, promovimin për të plotësuar sa më mirë nevojat e konsumatorit.
Studentët do të jenë në gjendje të identifikojnë elementët e nevojshëm për të siguruar avantazhet konkurruese si në tregun lokal, ashtu dhe atë global.
Quantity Percentage Total percent
1 20% 20%
0 0% 0%
1 20% 20%
Term projects
0 0% 0%
0 0% 0%
Class participation
1 10% 10%
Total term evaluation percent
Final exam percent
Total percent
Quantity Duration (hours) Total (hours)
Course duration (including exam weeks)
16 2 32
Off class study hours
14 2 28
1 2 2
1 10 10
Final exam
1 10 10
0 0 0
Total workLoad
Total workload / 25 (hours)